Auto Racing: Career in Auto Racing, indy cars, champ cars

I am 34 I am an electrical Engineer and I very bored at my current job. I am looking to take my background as an electrical engineer into a new automotive career. I am willing to start small. I am looking to race or work on a racing team as an engineer. Any advice as to how I get into the industry. In live in MA... Any advise will help. Thanks.


I don't know a whole lot about pro careers, but here are some tips I know will help.

You should plan on re-locating once you find the position you're looking for.  In NASCAR , that would be around Charlotte, NC.  Indy Cars  would be in the Indianapolis area though they are more spread out.

You said Electrical , and that might also be a drawback, where Electronics, Telemetry, and computer stuff is gaining ground fast.  For example, the IRL cars, and Champ Cars as well, use a lot of telemetry , even sensors that give real time tire temperatures at three or more locations on EACH tire while the car is on track. They really transmit a LOT of data back to the pits for trackside engineers to evaluate.

Nearly all the pro teams have two or three engineers at each race. What their individual specialties are I couldn't say.

It might be best if you contacted a few of the larger pro teams on an information gathering effort, to find where you would be most likely to find employment.

Just for starters, get a copy of Circle Track Magazine at your local newsstand, and call a few of the suppliers like for  ignition stuff, radio stuff, and others to develop a feel for the breadth of the industry. It's not just a guy in a car driving like hell anymore. it's a complex business..

Good luck and feel free to write again if you have other questions.  I wish I had better answers.

Dan Liddy
Sarasota, Florida