Auto Racing: Dodge Daytona and Porsche: are the comparable?, dodge daytona, porsche drivers

I guess I'm writing to inquire about the 1986 Dodge Daytona. I have read things about this vehicle. It is nothing special in my opinion. However, a friend of mine claims it to be the greatest car ever built. He tells me "big fish stories".. and I just can't seem to believe it.

He has told me that the stock 1986 Dodge Daytona that he owns has outperformed a Porsche on a curved track many times. He does not know what model the Porsche was. However, he claims that his Daytona could outcorner, outmaneuver this Porsche that was of similar build.

I disagree, while taking into consideration other factors involved in racing, because a Porsche is a sports car. They were made for the tight corner racing. While there are other factors that could come into play, I think a Porsche of the same year would outperform this Dodge Daytona on a curved track.

This may be a case of "Who's fish is bigger?" but it just irks me that he can't understand that the Porsche was built as an expensive sports car. I would think, ESPECIALLY on a curved track, the Porsche of similar standing would outperform this stock 4-cylinder Dodge Daytona of mediocrity.

Do you have any insight on this matter? If not, just disregard this message.



  Your friend is...well...I'm not going to call him an idiot, but his judgement is certainly clouded by his loyalties to that particular car.  While it's true that many people who own cars like Porsches don't know how to drive the cars properly and often don't do so well in road race events, come's an '86 Dodge Daytona.  Even the worst Porsche ever made is still a pretty darn good car from an engineering standpoint.  I'm not saying he didn't actually beat a Porsche on an autocross track, but if he did it was definitely one of those idiot Porsche drivers who either won't push their car at all or don't know how to drive it.  You're right to think that a Porsche (any Porsche) and a stock Dodge Daytona aren't in the same league.  Hell...they're not even in the same sport.  Hope this helps.
