BMW Repair: Water leak, regulator repair, windsheild

I have a 1999 323i 4 door sedan.  The right front door is leaking water on the front floor.  I an see water tracks coming down on the carpet from the right front area of the lower door, as if it is leaking past the door seal.  I've been told that it is possible that due to a possible window regulator repair (unknown) the inner door seal may be breached.  Do you think this may be true?  If so how difficult is it to remove the inner door panel? I do have the manual for this car.  It has a sunroof but it doesn't appear to be the problem.  Where is the drain for the sunroof?  Thanks in advance.  Mike

Is the window stuck part way down ????? Ive seen sunroof drains get plugged up which cause the water to back up and leak in the car. also ive seen where the windsheild gets replaced and the drain for sunroof gets plugged up by the windsheild glue. the sunroof has four drains the two front drains, drain into the outter windsheild gutter. And no door panel is not hard to remove, but i would identify the location of leak first.  Hope this helps....      Thanks Nathan