BMW Repair: ignition cylinder, leo leo, finger and thumb

Hey Evan--
 We have a 96 BMW 328i (a little earlier, I know-- you're the only one I could find.)  Are there any tricks to getting the ignition cylinder out without BMW tool #323110?
Thanks, Leo-----------------

Leo, you could try a strong paper clip, I just looked up that special tool and it is $22.75 USD. Just order it at the dealer or pay the service department to pull it out. The new part number for that tool is 83 30 0 492 055.
Turn the key to the first click forward (or about that position) and insert tool. Be very careful with that tool. turn the tool between your middle finger and thumb clock wise to depress the lock and it should almost fall out. Don't get rough with that tool, patience and gentleness is the key. If you can't get it and get pissed leave it and come back to it. I usually replace the cylinder and the whole ignition lock assembly as usually there is more than just one thing wrong in there.