BMW Repair: 525i Hard cold start, mileage cars, crank sensor

I went to start my 95 525i with 104,000 mi. the other am. and it started and stalled. It was cold out,1 degree. I reached in to turn the key and was not able to hit the throttle to catch it from stalling. This happened once when it was warm out also. Pulled & dried the plugs, unfludded cylinders. It tries to start but doesn't. Full charge battery. I unplugged fuel pump fuse and it starts for a second, burning off leftover fuel in the cylinders, and I plug the fuse in and it dies. W-pump just started leaking 2 days before this. Trying to get it to the shop for w-pump. Sounds like a mis-communication in timing of the injectors. Cam or crank sensor? I'm a former GM service mgr. foreman & tech. Thanks for the advice!  

Gary, higher mileage cars have problems with the idle valve getting carboned up. This would explain the extra fuel in the cylinders if you didn't have enough air to mix it with. Check your intake boots for cracking or tears and take out the idle valve and clean or replace it if you can't hear the door swinging when twisting in hand. If it fails to start again try tapping on the idle valve body and retry starting it.