BMW Repair: 2001 325cic sensor problem, fuel flow meter, wheel hub

I was driving in the rain at about 70mph and hit a big area of standing water. My brake pad, brake, dsc and one other dash warning light came on. My speedometer,odometer and fuel flow meter stopped working. After a few days  everything but the brakepad indicator went off and started working. Whenever I hit heavy rain this all goes out, it seems to come back after it dries out.
I checked for pulled wires on all of the sensors going to the wheels. I even opened the connector boxes to all of the sensor wires, found no water and no exposed wire.
Do I need to pull the sensor from the wheel hub, if so, what do I look for? Do I have a bad brakepad sensor? My pads should still be good, if not why all of the sudden would it go when I hit a puddle?
I probably wrong but this is what I'm thinking... There is one sensor that is connected to the speedometer, when it goes, my fuel flow and odo also go out, then the dsc light goes on because it gets no speed from that bad sensor.
Thanks for your time!

Your thoughts are just that thoughts.There is no connection except for the ground.Check the body ground from the battery to the gang connection of grounds.The brake pad light comes on when either the wire is grounded or open.Check all the connectors,make sure they are clean.