GMC Repair: GMC Envoy Geer Release Trouble, gmc envoy, coincedence

QUESTION: Hi....I have a 2002 GMC Envoy V6.  A couple of months ago my
husband replaced my brakes.  Everything was fine.  About
a month ago the shift lever won't release into Drive, Reverse
or any geer.  I have the brakes on, I know it is anti-lock,
but even pushing hard it won't release.  Called a place and
they told me how to use the emergency release button.  Could
replacing the brakes have anything to do with this?  It
worked fine for a good month after brakes were replaced.
Any suggestions?

I really doubt the brakes had anything to do with it. Just a coincedence.
Most probabally the fault is the shifter itself. It houses the release mechinism that allows the shifter to move when brake is released. (Called a BTSI - Brake Transmission Shift Interlock solonoid)
I have replaced ALOT of these shifters for similar problems.
I Hope this helps.
Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Pawl........thank you so much for writing to me.
Just a quick I need to replace the
BTSI?  Or the solonoid thing?  I know you can't be
specific, but can you tell me about a price range....
for the parts....and also the labor?  Just so I
can have an idea.  Thanks again....Elizabeth

The BTSI is a part of the entire gear shifter assembly.
Price range.... I would just be guessing. between $150 to $200... Labor would guess as I do not have my labor estimator here at home in the 1.5 to 2 hour range.
The labor rate in your area, I do not know... here it is $70-&80 an hour depending. Thats here.
You MAY try to save a few $$$$ by calling a few Salvage/used parts facilities and see if that would be an item they would sell.
I hope this helps.
Good Luck