GMC Repair: Headlight Switch, chevy lumina, column shift

How do I remove a headlight switch from a 1997 Chevy Lumina? I believe it is not working properly. I have all my dash lights except for the ones that light up the speedo,gas and temp gages and the A/C and Heater switches can you help?

Here is the procedure for removing headlamp switch...
Remove the steering column opening filler panel screws.
If equipped with a column shift, apply the parking brake.
If equipped with a column shift, adjust the shift lever from Park to 1.
Tilt the steering column to the lowest position for access.
Grasp the instrument panel (IP) cluster trim plate (2) at one edge and carefully pull to release the retainers. Carefully work your way around the entire IP cluster trim plate.
Remove the IP cluster trim plate.
Grasp the headlamp switch and pull firmly to unsnap the retaining tab from the IP.
Disconnect the electrical connector from the switch.
Remove the headlamp switch.
To check after you have the switch removed, leave it plugged in and turn it to "park" position. Check for power on the gray wire.
If hot, your switch is good.
Hope this helps.
Good luck