GMC Repair: 99 GMC Sierra- Digital Gear Indicator, digital gear indicator, gmc sierra

The digital display that reads P R N D... will flash off and on while driving. I mostly notice it when I hit big bumps in the road or sometimes it will just do it for no reason. It usually comes back on by itself, fading in and out. Other times I tap the dash to make it come back on. Any thoughts on what is making it not work? Thank you!

It sound like a loose connection.
It could be in either the IPC (Instrument cluster) itself.
This would be my personal guess as the clusters in these vehicles are known problem causers.
It could be a bad or loose connection at the MBEC (Mid Bussed Electrical center)located Under the left side of the instrument panel near the left kick panel.
Could be a loose connection at the back of the cluster, also.
Seeing as how you can "tap" the cluster or dash, this is why I would suspect the Cluster itself.
I Hope this helps.
JUST advice from experience.
Good Luck