GMC Repair: GMC MISS, gmc yukon, rotar

Hi Pete,
 I have a 95 GMC YUKON with a 5.7L engine and 135k miles. I have replaced the plugs,wires, distributor cap, rotar and fuel pump. It starts fine hot or cold. When started cold it runs smoothly until it warms up. After it is warm though, the engine develops a miss which is most noticeable in the 1700 RPM range. This model uses a Throttle Body with two injectors which I have NOT replaced. Any Ideas?

 Thanks, Pete

Hello Mark
did you have the crank senser checked this will cause the problem. also a bad coil can do the same thing .
It is hard to say with out not looking at it my self but i would start there .

Good luck to u and please rate my serivice
