GMC Repair: Jimmy 1997 wheel bearing replacement, wheel bearing replacement, wheel bearings


Is there any place in the internet where I could buy wheel bearings?  I took my jimmy to the autoshop and was told that my bearing were shock. I did some reading up in the internet and found out that this problem is pretty common with GMC's.  I called the local dealer and they are selling the whole hub component which includes the bearing (500$ is the cost).  I am somewhat mechanically inclined -i do all mechanical work for my motorcycles-  I have yet to do any serious maintenance on 4 wheel vehicles.  I was wondering if you could give me some insight on how to replace the wheel bearings.

vehicle problem -  a loud sound is emitted by the suv everytime i make a right hand turn.  the sound elevates as speed increases.  the sound is concentrated on the front driver side wheel.

thank you for any help that you could provide.

The bearing is PRESSED into the hub and when they usually go bad they spin within the hub and it ruins the hub so you can't get the new bearing to press in the hub correctly.

Check around with some loacl dealers and see if there is any kind of a factory re-call on the hub and bearing.

If their IS and most dealers will NOT admit that there IS, You usually only have to pay the LABOR and the manufacturer pays for the parts.

I don't recall seeing any re-call information, but you can ask around.

Stamped on MOST bearings is a part # of which you can usually purchase the bearing assembly and see if any machine shops in your area will press the bearings for you. It's worth a shot.
