Acura Repair: Anti theft problem??, acura, theft system

Hi there.  1996 acura.  The remote will start the car, however, when I put it in II on ignition, as soon as I put my foot on the brake it turns off.  I can't even start my car with the key!!  It turns over like it wants to start, but doesn't!!  Right now, it has been left at my work since friday.  Also, I can't even turn the key to II on ignition to put the car in neutral.  I've been told it's the anit theft, but how do I disconnect/turn it off!! HELP!!  Thanks

What kind of Anti theft system do you have. It does sound like it has something to do with your anti theft system. I suggest taking it to the people that installed the system and check the electrical. It is very difficult to remove an anty theft system as it ties into a lot of systems on your car.

Thank you,