Acura Repair: CV boots, cv boots, left rack

Hi,  I have a '92 5-spd Honda Civic (I know you know more about Acura's but this is a general question)
I wanted to know if there's any underlying problems that can cause a car to be prone to breaking CV boots.  I've had the used car for only 3 years and have had to get 4 new axles cuz the boots keep breaking on both front wheels.  I just noticed that the left rack and pinion boot is also broken and that side is making noise now when I turn.
Also, how important is it to get either of the boots replaced after noticing they're broken? I'm low on money and have been putting it off for over a month now......its not dangerous, is it?
Thanks a lot for your help!!

if the axle is making noise when you turn than it is too late. you need a new axle. if money is tight than just replace the boot so it doesnt get worse. when you can get a new axle. changing the boot should take 30 - 45 min. so dont let a shop screw you for the price. they could reasonably charge one hour at most. the shaft does not have to come out of the trani if you know how to do it. the rack boot has to be replaced and hope that it has no dirt inside or the rack will go soon. if your car is lowered than it will put more stress on the boot. i cant think of many reasons a quality boot will keep breaking.