Alfa Romeo Repair: 145 1.6 t spark running problem, negative cable, story sort

Hi there i have a 1999 145 1.6 t spark junior that starts fine but idles irradicly and also hesitates and sudders when driving especially at low rpm`s,it seems to accelerate ok only holding back the odd cut a long story sort i removed the idle control valve and removed the two way motor inside and tested to find it was partly seized and slow when it did turn ,so i managed to free in up with wd40 to perfect running order but having put the throttle body back together again and testing its still running bad although a good bit better.I a wondering if i need to take it and get th ecu reprogrammed or could i take the battery negitive lead off for a few hours to do the sam thing? Thank you for you time an any dvise would be greatly appreciated.

You need a new idle speed motor.  No need to reset the ECU.
However, here is the right way to reset the ECU. First, clean the battery terminals and cable connections then touch the positive and negative cables together for 10-20 seconds. Then reattach the cables to the battery. Always disconnect the negative cable first and reconnect the negative cable last.