Alfa Romeo Repair: fuel system, cleaner degreaser, alcohol solution

I am having problems with fuel pump system.  Main componants of this system is Damper, fuel pump, fuel filter, and fuel storage reservoir.  The rest of the stuff is fuel lines and clams, etc.  The fuel pump, and filter are brand new Bosch.  The fuel reservoir and the damper are old.  After attempting to start the car for several hours all together, I noticed that the new pump was not pumping passing to filter.  Then I decided to look at gas lines lines and the old parts.  Well, I found out that the damper(part the feeds from tank)had a small valve that was plugged with old gas and stuff.  I inserted a small nail and gave it a good clean up with Carburator cleaner/B12 Chemtool.  Again, the problem continued.  So, I felt that may be I had damage the pump with all that trying with a plug damper so I replaced it with a new one.  Now, I submurged the fuel reservoir in a cleaner/degreaser for 4 hours and getting ready to try again.  Any suggestions or Ideas on what to do next? Should I bust out and buy the other two parts?  Not rich!

The fuel tank needs to be pressure washed and then lined with
a solution available from JC Whitney. All fuel pumps should have a filter before the pump. The manufacturers just put a
mesh screen somewhere before the pump. In this situation the
regular fuel filter should be located before the pump. When
ever I work with a fuel supply I always relocate the filter
before the pump and service it regularly.

Sounds like the gas went sour and jelled in the system.
The new pump may also be history. Test in the shop with
an alcohol solution.