American Motors: starter motors, chevy s10, starter motors

Kevin, this is a general question on starter motors.
Key will not activate starter motor but if the motor is spun by briefly shorting the power and motor posts on the solenoid the key will then start it.
After a long trip, the key will not start the motor but after standing overnight it often will.
Is it time to replace the brushes in the starter or time to replace the starter?
The engine runs beautifully and can be started from stone cold by just a short push and engaging 3rd gear. 1992 Chevy s10 v6 4.3

Actually, it sounds more like you might need a solenoid. You can get them as an assembly if you buy a reman starter.
Try shorting across the small terminal on the solenoid and the large terminal on the solenoid. (the one that runs from the battery) If the engine turns over then, but won't with a key, you will need to check the ignition switch circuit. Find a wiring diagram to help you find the correct circuit. Another option is to remove the starter and bfing it to an auto parts store. Most stores will test it for you for free.
