Audio Systems: PreAmp audio problem, audio circuitry, rca cable

QUESTION: Hello, I am currently using a Chiro preamp by Kinergetics Research in my home system.  It is model C800, 5.1, and the company is no longer in business. I use it along with the Chiro C500 amp.  Currently I am only using it as a 2 channel system with a pair of passive studio monitors.  I am now having a problem the the preamp as the left channel RCA for the Front speakers makes a dangerously loud hum noise so I cannot use it.  If I press down hard on the rca cable on the terminal, than the hum sound goes away and the speaker sounds fine.  Moreover, their is no audio coming out of the surround speaker jacks.  Do you know what can be wrong or if this sounds like an expensive repair?  If so, than I might as well just replace the pre with a good used one.  Thanks for your help.

ANSWER: I am sure you realize how difficult it is to make a diagnostic long distance. Especially with something as sophisticated as these Chiro products.

However, being brave and willing to make an educated guess I think it is more than likely a simple matter to correct the hum problem.  It should be referred to a good audio tech who can open it up and check it out. More than likely it is a broken ground line inside the amp.

It is likely the problem is related to the surround problem as well.

It is most likely a simple and relatively low cost repair.  But, it is recommended you take it to a good shop with audio experience.  Stay away from those who specialize in TV repair as they usually (with exceptions) don't understand audio circuitry.

All the best.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks, I appreciate the quick answer.  One last question.   Im sure you've seen your share & heard numerous brands of equipment. Im thinking about purchasing a marantz receiver such as the SR6003 and being up to date with all the new decoding, instead of putting the money into repairing my chiro preamp.  I would use it as the preamp and my chiro as the amp.  Do you think I would notice a big downgrade in overall music sound quality?  Not sure how the circuitry used in these receivers compares to the quality of the chiro pre.  Thanks again


Marantz is fine merchandise.  This model, the SR6003, is one I am not personally familiar with but I have been quite satisfied, in general, with all the Marantz products. The Marantz name has a tradition of outstanding performance and design.

It would be a waste of electronics to use it as a preamp only since this model has 7 100 watt amplifiers built in that could be put to good use!  However, the Chiro amps are equally outstanding performers.  

To most listeners you would not hear any particular differences in sound quality between the Marantz and the Chiro.  To those select few who have "golden ears" who can hear everything - even differences that the best electronics equipment in the world cannot measure - a big difference would be heard.  What would the difference be?  Who knows, but if you were to browse through the review and forum comments on the Internet about each model you would get some feeling for the potential differences.

In my opinion, due to the magnitude of differences and degradation produced by even the very best loudspeaker systems, the differences between electronics is insignificant.  The electronic performance of good systems now days is so near perfection compared with the great weaknesses of loudspeakers that much more attention should be given to the transducers than to the electronics.

By the way, I have, in past years, conducted blind AB and ABC listening tests using "golden ear" experts and found the, in reality, over long periods of testing, that they don't end up with any better choices than the average listener.  This applied particularly to loudspeaker and turntable testing.   I have also conducted listen tests with CD players and found similar results.  

Conclusion:  It would seem to me the Marantz would be a suitable product for your application as you have expressed.

PS: If you are interested in "unloading the Chiro preamp" I may be interested in it.  You can email be at cleggsan at ieee dot org.