Audio Systems: tv, dvd, vcr all in one - Panasonic - remote control problems, tv dvd vcr combo, panasonic product

My remote (the original one) just went dead on me.  I tried a replacement--could not get it to work.  Same with a Philips remote for the same type of tv,dvd,vcr combo.  Should I try a universal remove?  How do I program it to work on my tv?  What if there's a chip in the tv, governing the remote, and is's broken?  What is it called and how much to repair?  It's a 27" tv.  Thanks in advance for your help.

A Philips remote will not work on a Panasonic set (unless it is a universal type).

Try a universal remote.  When you open the package there is a little booklet or sheet inside that gives you all the codes for a Panasonic product.  Enter the code as directed by the procedure.

If a new remote does not help the IR receiver module inside the tv may need to be replaced.  It will cost over $100 probably.

PS: Do the buttons on the front of the tv work for power on, off, channel, sound, etc.?  If so, and a good remote does not then it is most likely the IR receiver in the tv gone bad.  BUT: check to make sure the eye is clean and unobstructed such that the IR beam from the remote can truly reach to the IR eye inside the set.