Audio Systems: 1996 Toyota Avalon XLS Amplifier Issues., toyota avalon xls, toyota avalon

I have a '96 Toyota Avalon xls, and I recently bought an aftermarket head unit to install. The wiring harness I bought fits the existing wires, but there are 4 amplifier integration jacks, but I don't know where the amp is

Sorry, I don't know this car/year.  It is older and before my time with them.  If it is a Bose system you will have big problem as with Bose the amplifiers are mounted on the basket of the speaker system. The only way to upgrade the Bose system is to completely rip out all the electronics and speakers and start over as the Bose stuff is not compatible nor interchangeable with conventional aftermarket components.

If it is not a Bose system you can go to and work through their "outfit my car" sequence. Their data base is very good for the details.

In the Avalon I owned personally a few years ago the extra amps were in the trunk area, but it was a newer year model.

I suggest you get a second opinion from Ernesto on who is an installer and expert on wiring, troubleshooting and installations.

Best wishes.