Audio Systems: jeep grand cherokee radio cd/casette 2001, jeep grand cherokee, electronic failure

My radio seems to be frozen on am and no button for the radio will work to change preset stations or change from am to fm the cd will play and function. It seems frozen up like a computer will. The clock keeps time. I tried removing the fuse to see if it will reset itself


Yes, that is what I was going to recommend you - to reset it by removing power.  The controller IC may be corrupted and resetting it should bring it back to factory presets.  When you pulled the fuse did it really go dead?  It sometimes takes a few minutes - 15 or 20 - to get full reset once power is off.

Sorry to say, but if the reset does not solve the problem it is probably a mechanical or electronic failure some where in the works.

Hope you get it going.