Audio Systems: installing audio system, speaker boxes, ford f150 2004

i have a ford f150 2004, i bought the speaker box designed for the truck and it fits perfectly. i also bought two amps that need to be installed, the box seems to take up too much room and i don't know where to put the amps can you help me with this problem

Dear Sir,



You are asking me where to put amps in your truck?  The implication from you being the custom designed boxes made specifically for your vehicle and the speakers are too big.  You want my permission to eliminate the box the speakers work in, so you can put the electronics there instead, correct?

Sir,  You have a HUGE vehicle.  The kind much of the rest of the world outside the USA would love to have, but can't afford. Find a place away from the heat to install your amps, and do not touch your speaker boxes.  I suspect you are not qualified to make a judgment about their size and how big is big enough for the speaker. Odds are they are far too small, YOU just don't like them.  

99% of all speakers are severely limited in their performance because of fighting between marketing and engineering over how big engineering can make the box.  Engineering ALWAYS loses that battle because the average Joe has NO CLUE as to how big the speaker box needs to be for the best performance.  The problem is that customers like YOU want the shopping bag filled to the top so it LOOKS RIGHT.  Nope.  Speakers don't work that way my friend. Bigger is better.  Not always, but 99.9% of the time.

Keep the wire runs from the 12 volt system to the amp big and short.  Put the amp where it can get rid of its own heat, and away from other heat sources.  Find the space.  You can do it.

Or maybe your truck is not big enough?  


Paul A.