Audio Systems: Car stereo and dash clock not getting power., volt ohmmeter, dash clock

I was just rewiring a loose wire into the back of my car stereo and then it lost power and i cannont seem to find any other loose wires, also the clock on my dash has stopped working to. I have a ford laser 1996 model

Loss of clock usually indicates either fuse out or mis-wiring/broken wire.

This is a really easy matter to troubleshoot with a vom (Volt OhmMeter) which can be used to test for the 12v presence at the radio and amp and clock.  You can purchase a neat little voltmeter at Walmart or Home Depot for under $10 and learn to use it easily.  Just place the ground/black lead on a metal part of the car chassis and the red lead of the meter at the 12v line on the amp and clock to see if they are getting voltage.

All Fords have two fuse blocks; one under the hood and one inside the car nearby the steering column, I think.

Let me know if you need more ideas.