Audio Systems: CAR AUDIO, jl audio 12w7, long periods of time

fuzzy distortion noise coming from my jl audio 12w7 AT HIGH VOLUME IS IT BLOWN OR WIRING PROBLEM

Without hearing it - and maybe testing it - I can only give you a guess.

My first guess is the voice coil has come loose.  This is repairable by either the manufacturer or a local speaker repair facility.

My second guess is the voice coil is rubbing.  This is caused by overpowering for long periods of time which create a mechanical distortion of the cone assembly in relation to the basket.  Other things that will cause this is a cone that got wet from rain or liquid spilled on the cone material or screwing down the mountings too tight causing the metal basket of the speaker to be distorted.

That is my opinion.  Let me know if that provokes further questions.