Audio Systems: Blaupunkt car stereo - power cells, power capacitors, power cells

I bought a Commodore Exec 2006 VZ earlier this year, it still had the original Blaupunkt Stereo but after a while the clock on the radio started to loose time and it took a while for the stereo to come on after the ignition went on (anntena automatically raises and the radio starts). I guessed the problem was that the power cells were starting to get towards the end of their life, it seemed a bit quick, the car is only 3.5 yrs old. Now there is absolutely no power in the stereo at all. Can I replace the power cells?

Thanks for any advice you can give me.

Let me clarify?  When you say power cells are you talking about power capacitors?  They are external to the stereo and their purpose is to hold up the 12v when the audio hits heavy bass music passages.  Am I on the right track?

If so, you can simply remove these power caps and see if the radio restores; the only loss would be not quite as strong when heavy bass music is playing.  But, if the Blaupunkt Stereo unit is working correctly other than that, you should be fine by just pulling them out of the car.

Nice car, by the way.  A USA Lumina equivalent which was one of GMs best cars of the last 20 years.