Audio Systems: audi sound system, bose speaker systems, audi a6 2005

Hi  i want  to   change my  trim in my  audi a6 2005 .
It  is  mmi  high (it  has  the six  cd changer) .
The speakers  are  normal not  bose .

the door  covers  i want  to  change  to  have  bose speakers, i would like  to know if the  amp i  have  now  will  be   able  to drive  them, i would also like to   find  out if  the amp  which  is  standard  is  compatible  to  the speakers.

do  i  have  to  change  the  amp also ?  

Bose speakers, in fact all bose products, are incompatible with other manufacturers.  Bose is non-conformist to international standards for interface and matching.  It is not a good idea to intermix any Bose product with any other non-Bose product unless you are an engineer and know how to design the adjustments to the interface requirements (impedance and voltage levels).

Many of the Bose speaker systems for auto use have a special driving amplifier mounted inside the basket of the speaker unit.

You can go to this site and see if there is some exception to your system.  Go through the outfit my car and see where it will lead you.

Aside from the brand speaker you must make sure the unit will fit into the space available.  Crutchfield is very good for that because they keep their database up to date all the time.

Hope this helps.