Audio Systems: TV singing while disconnected from electricity, flat screen tv, rf interference

Mom has a Samsung flat screen TV. Music etc started coming from the TV at various times of the day/night.  She unplugged the TV and the sound does not stop.  She lives in a rural area and has an antenna for reception.  Could this be noise from a neighbor's TV etc?  She is convinced that someone has 'planted a bug' in her house to drive her crazy.

Unfortunately that is a mystery that can only be found by hiring someone with devices that can read RF interference. It is possible but not probable that it can be any number of combination of debris in the electronics or in her ear that is picking up a local radio station. Climate changes can effect the intermittent operation. She can eliminate the possibility of it being in her ear if she doesn't hear it outside the house. It's kind of like when you go to the doctor with a pain in your back and when you get there it's gone. Where would he begin to look for something that is no longer there? It's a difficult problem to track. Someone needs to be there when it's happening.

Another thing to do to make sure that is isn't coming from a neighbor is to knock on the neighbors do and