Audio Systems: audio equipment, solidstate, ebay

i have an old sansui solidstate 2000,it blows the left channel fuse immediately on start up,dont know where to look?

8 years old is a very long time in the world of consumer electronics. We work with industrial equipment which has a life expectancy 2 to 3 times consumer gear. Having said that typical Eastern made electronics goes through a continuous upgrade process every 6 months or so, which means that an equivalent receiver will not only be better sounding but cost less money since it's not designed to last more than 5 years. You should be able to find current receivers on Ebay at far less money then it would cost to repair that old Sansui unit. When fuses blow immediately it means that there is a problem with the output driver of that channel. The cost of repair would not be very high and since manufacturers generally don't keep old parts beyond 5 years, it may take months to repair it with no warranty.