Audio Systems: here it is, consumer electronics society, audio engineering society

hello sir

as you an expert in audio field , do you think that if someone has too sensitive musical ear & also an electrical engineer , is that good motives to work as audio engineer or music arts director in arts studios ???????????

How can one have a "too sensitive musical ear"?  I don't know what that means.

Like anything else in life, in order to succeed you must have passion, determination and desire to excel and achieve your goal.  Listening skills can be learnt and engineering can be studied.  

The biggest problem for audio engineering is that there are few educational programs that have a strong audio orientation. Most audio engineers are "warped EEs" or something like that.

And, believe it or not, there is a wide range of audio engineering professions: Recording, broadcasting for radio and television, design, testing and research.  The world of digital video is just now opening up and the control of digitally mastered intellectual property from music to data is very big.

Studio ownership and operation is a large part of the creative side of things but success in that field requires a burning knowledge of the arts crowd, the workings of these kinds of people and how to fit the human equation against the technology.  As a rule creative folks just want to create; they do not want to be limited by the technology. In fact, they do not, as a general rule, want to know how the technology works.  They just want to do their thing.  So, a technologist is constantly working the electronic wonders to their advantage.

So, if you have the passion for it, give it a try.

You might want to become a member of the Audio Engineering Society and/or the IEEE Consumer Electronics Society as well as NARAS (

Good Luck,