Audio Systems: 110 volts tube amp use in Europe, quiet passages, tube amps

Can I use a high-end vacuum tube amp (Single Ended Triode) from US, (110v/60Hz version) in Europe with a 240/110volts transformer? The different frequency (60Hz/50Hz) can cause problems?
Thank you

Generally, yes.  The problem with running at slightly lower frequency is the power transformer could run a little warmer, but that is usually of no particular concern.  And, theoretically, the hum level will go up but unless it is annoying to you during quiet passages you don't need to worry about that either.

Is it a class A or AB design?  If class A the amp will draw continuous power that will not change during the music, but class AB will have dynamically changing power requirements from the mains.

So, I would say go ahead.  The greatest precaution is the dropping transformer - as in the case of the class AB circuit design. If the transformer does not have sufficient peak current capability it could cause the voltages to drop in the tube amp during heave music power passages and bring up the distortion.  No harm done to anything but your ears.  So, make the dropping transformer twice what you think it should be than you should be okey.

Let me know if you have further thoughts.  Happy listening; tube amps are awesome.
