Audio Systems: Becker CD stacker install in Porsche 997, porsche 997, necessary cables

Hi - I have a 'standard' single CD / radio / sat Nav installed in my new car - porsche carrera  -2005 -997 model - i want to add a CD stacker to it 9 i believe it is a Becker CD stacker ( I put one on a previous porsche )- I have been told by local dealer that it will cost me approx £900 ( $1700) because they now use fibre optics - do you know if there is any way round this, or if i can buy the necessary cables and get it done at a Hi-fi expert and save a fortune ( i cant afford or justify £900 for a CD stacker - the wife would kill me ! )
Any help will be greatly appreciated
UK based as per mail address .

Check with:

and see if the one shown will fit your car or if they have one that will do so.

The question of fiber link to the head unit is  a non-issue; you can purchase an optical fiber unit for a few pounds.

I am not a fan of Becker products. They have not, over the years been terribly reliable, have they?

Sorry, I don't have a better answer for you.


PS: The allexpert funnel does not let us see your email address. But I can usually tell in your accent and the different words used by Brits!  I have traveled to London and surrounds many, many times.