Audio Systems: buick lesabre custom, subwoofer amp, buick lesabre

I have a 01 buick custom. i want to install a jensen dvd deck but am scared if i do it, I have the wire harnest and mounting kit. That Something may go wrong....if i just hook a wire harnest to the deck and plug it into my car, will everything work ok?

Well there are 2 parts to the wiring harness. there's the one that plugs onto your new Jensen deck (this should've come with the jensen)  then there's a plug that is specific to your year/make/model car that you have to buy separate.  both of these wirring harnesses have about 11-15 wires on them that need to be connected to eachother for it to work.  USUALLY they follow a code so yellow goes to yellow, red goes to red, etc.  so it's not that hard.  if they didnt follow the code you can have problems.  I would look your 2 harnesses over and see if they look like they match up color for color. the only ones you need are:

Yellow, Red and black for power
then the speaker lines are usually in pairs, like 2 whites, 2 greys, 2 purples, and 2 greens (or sometimes 2 bowns) each pair will have a solid color and a black striped color, so using white as an example you'll have a solid white and a white with a black stripe. again just match them up.  the remaining wires are usually blue (wont use it unless you have a subwoofer amp or something) and orange (light dimmer, not nessesary)
If you still feel nervouse you can take it somewhere,  I think circuit city charges like $60 to put it in for you.

Good luck!
Let me know how it goes!