Audio Systems: How to hook up car subwoofer in room, amp fuses, amp battery

Hello i have two questions 1) If i was to hook up a subwoofer and amp in my room would i need a subwoofer pre-out from the receiver to run the sub? and 2) would i be able to run this off of a battery charger (its 8 amps i believe) if so how would i do that?

Thanks and i hope to hear back from you soon

Brad Geerts

i've run alot of car audio equipment at home so i'll be happy to help.  Ideally your power supply should be rated for the fuses on the amp.  in other words if the amp has 2 x 20 amp fuses your power supply should be rated for 40 amps. or if your amp has 3 30 amp fuses your power supply should be rated for 90 amps.  your 8 amp battery charger is probably quite low for that amp (maybe 40 amps at least right?)   if the amp doesnt have fuses to go by, let me know the make and model or at least the RMS wattage rating on the amp and i can figure it out from there.  
there are powerfull power supplies that can power a car audio amp indoors but better yet you can get home theater amps that are very powerful and dont need power supplies and are extreamly powerfull and arent much more than the power supply to run the car amp!

let me know about the amp and the options and I'll be happy to help you get something to do the job.