Audio Systems: Car Audio, rockford fosgate subs, watts rms

ok,lol, all about burning up the sub, or blowing it, how would i do that with the amp that i have?  what is to much power for the amp and subs?  and can you explain how to wire the subs to make them 2 ohm.  can you explain like "take the posative wire and then wire it to the next sub, then.... something to that sort.  right now i have one sub connected directly to the amp, and then i have a posative and negative wire coming from the other sub, that connects to the one sub that i have connected to the amp

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Hey, thanks so much, i would have no idea about this if it was not for u, but anyway, u said that i need to wire it so it is running at 2ohm.  How do i wire it so that it runs at 2 ohms? and at 2 ohms, i am pretty safe not to blow the subs right?  

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I just got two 12" P212D2 rockford fosgate subs in a box, i was wondering what amp you think would hook up to it to have the best sound.  Right now i have a pioneer 800 watt max mono amp.  I was wondering how much quality of the subs i am getting with that amp.  thanks

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They couldnt take a whole lot more than what the pioneer is rated for.  you need to make sure they are wired to present a 2 ohm load to the amp to get the most out of it.

is this the amp you have:

If so it's rated for 360watts at 2 ohms and your subs together are rated for 500 watts at 2 ohms so you could go with something like this:

If you wire it as an 8 ohm mono load it will put out 600 watts RMS.  (the description that says 800x1 at 2 ohms is wrong it's 8 ohms)

Generally you can exceed the power rating as long as you keep the power clean and not let the sound distort it shouldnt blow.  

I've had a lot of success with these little guys, they're built like tanks, cheap, sound great, run cool etc.

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well, this is where it gets interesting with wether you're going to blow the sub or not.
There are 2 reasons a sub blows.

1. the sub strokes back and forth so much that something either tears loose or breaks loose or something inside collides against something else, etc.

2. the voice coil heats up and either breaks itself or causes so much heat it burns the former damaging the speaker.

The 2nd is usually what happens  but there are 2 ways to do this.  One is with too much power.  you put more power into the coil, it makes more heat.  once you cross a certain limit, the heat is building faster than it can be removed by ventalation and convection, etc and it starts to heat, smoke, burn, etc.  So too much power will blow a sub this way.

The weird thing is that too little power can also blow a sub!  The reason is becuase music is naturally similar to AC power and AC power in a coil naturally makes lots of magnetic force and very little heat.  So feeding your sub LOTS and LOTS of very pure AC will usually not cause them to heat up much. BUT DC power into a coil causes much more heat and very little magenetic force.  

Where am I going with this?  Well, to make a VERY long story short when an amplifier is playing music it needs to be producing AC like power but when it's turned up PAST it's limits the resulting distorted sound is more like DC.  this is called clipping and will blow your sub due to the heat that the DC produces.

So if you have a sub that's rated for 400 watts and you feed it 400 watts of CLEAN AC power it should be fine.  It may even be fine with 600 watts of VERY CLEAN AC power.  BUT if you have a 100 watt amp you are going to be more inclined to push it to it's limit since a 100 watt amp will be much quieter than a 600 watt amp, and once you try to push it past 100 watts it will start making 100 watts of heat instead of 100 watts of sound.  (a good solidering iron that melts metal solder is 10-40 watts!)

So you see, a speaker rated for 400 watts can be blown with an amp much smaller.  To give an example I had a set of speakers that were rated for 250 watts and I fed them 400 for years.  I used them in a different application with a 50 watt amp and blew them.  litterally melted the tinsel leads right off!  and they were the same manufacturer amplifier so you cant say that the 400 watt amp was cheap and so on and so on.

So this is why I'm recomending the power acustik amp even though its rated at 800 watts or something.  you're speakers should be fine as long as you provide adequate power and good solid ground to the amp and DONT let it distort!

As for the ohms. each sub you have has 2 coils and you have 2 subs so you have 4 coils.  each coil is 2 ohms each so if you wire each sub's 2 coils together in series then each sub will have a total of 4 ohms each and 1 big coil each.  then you can wire those 2 sets in parallel to create 1 large 2 ohm load.  (Im not too good at explaining this so if you need me to try again I will)

Please write back and let me know if you have any more questions.  most of the questions I get on this site are really boring so I am taking special intrest in you.  dont feel bad about writing back, I'm enjoying it.

Sure I can explain it like that.  Its hard to explain so I will provide a link that shows it graphicaly:

Each sub should have 4 connections on it in 2 groups close together.  Pick any posative and wire it to the farthest away negative on the same sub.  Do that on the other sub as well.  then wire the unused posatives together and connect them to the posative on the amplifier.
Then wire the unused negatives togehter and connect them to the neg on the amp.

that will make a 2 ohm mono load.

As for burning your subs with the amp you have, yes you can blow them, just listen for distortion, there will be a point where you turn up the sound and it wont get any louder it will just sound worse.  this is clipping and will destroy your speakers so imediatly turn it back down 1 notch.
As far as how much power can your subs take?  IF the power is very clean you should be able to exceed the manufac. specs by about 50% so your subs are rated for 250 each, I think they could take about 375 but make sure they dont stroke too far and dont distort.  If you are unsure you should only stick the the manufac. specs of 250.

Good luck!