Audio Systems: Replacing rear speakers in a 99 ford escort, ford wiring, wire colors


I seem to be haing trouble replacing the rear speakers in my 99 ford escort. I do not know how to wire them correctly, and I was wondering if you could give me some advice.



The best place to go for ford wiring is

They have a good page with pictures and wire colors for fords.

Take a look at this page, for example:

and it will give you some good basics.

In the worst case you will have to purchase a little vom from Walmart ($9.83) and use it the ohmmeter section to check out the wiring exaclty.  Use masking tape to put a label on the wires so you know for sure where they go.

Good Luck,

BUT: If you are merely replacing the original speakers, just connect the new ones exactly as the ones you removed.