Audio Systems: pop off cover on front of radio, engineering profession, man design

I have one of those security radio/cd/tape players.  The front cover pops off to enable you to take it with you (which I never do as the radio does not look all that flash and I expect no-one would want to steal it).  However, when it gets hot or when the sun shines on it the radio will not work and I have to drive around with one finger pressing on the cover.  Is there anyway I can rectify this?  Is it a common problem or am I just unlucky?  Did a man design this radio?

There are a surprizing number of females in the engineering profession around the world.  But, Sorry to say, I don't know if your product was designed by man or women.  In fact, most products are designed by a team of people - and often in different locations.  A front bezel may be conceived by the manufacturer but finalized by a vendor who is in another country and then sourced out to still another manufacturer in a third country.  So, lots of hands contribute to the final product.

The front covers snap on, as you have observed.  Maybe you can find the snap/attachment that is not quite tight enough and insert a small shim or something that  will keep it in place more tightly.  Have you tried a piece of tape on the one end of the face plate to add just enough tightness to hold it down?  Have you tried a toothpick in the gap to hold it down more tightly?  You may have to become an engineer in your own right to overcome this annoyance.

Best wishes,