Audio Systems: realistic car stereo speaker wires, speaker wiring, speaker wires

i just need to know the speaker wiring diagram for a realistic 12-1899 car stereo it has 2 white,2 grey,2 brown,2 green these are the speaker wires just need to know what goes where left posite,left neg..etc

I believe it's:

white       = Left front Pos
white/black = Left front neg
grey        = Right front pos
grey/black  = Right front neg
green       = Left rear pos
green/black = Left rear neg
brown       = Right rear pos
brown/black = right rear neg

to verify you can use the balance and fade controls on the stereo.  fade to the front left and test the wires against one speaker.  when you find the one making sound (or the most sound) you found the front left.  use the fade and balance to find the others.