Audio Systems: Ford Factory CD player not ejecting, ford factory, paper sticker

I have a 2002 Ford Escape with a 6 cd changer.  Just last week whenever I would hit the eject button and press which cd to eject, it would not eject. It gets jammed. I could see the cd so I got tweezers and pulled it out. So I ejected all the rest of my cds and they all worked fine. I thought maybe it was just that one slot that would not eject so I put a cd into a different one but it is still getting jammed no matter which slot I put it in. Please help!Thanks!  

there is to small rollers that take the disc out  they have gears and a track one of them is out of track  it get out of track with two cd at same time or cd with a paper sticker label  you have to open the unit and put the roller back in the track
or get it service