Audio Systems: Advent 900 mhz Wireless Speakers/Transmitter, advent wireless speakers, advent speakers

Hi Kevin,
I have a pair of 900 mhz wireless Advent speakers which I love.  Recently, the transmitter seems to have stopped working.  No light on the front of the transmiter, and no output whatsoever from the speakers.  Is there a way to test the transmitter?  Advent is out-of-business.  Can I buy a compatible transmitter, and what would you suggest.

Thanks for your help.

Dear Susan,

Actually, Advent is not out of business. It's been purchased by Audiovox Corp. I would try for technical assistance.

Also, since the Advent wireless systems are so inexpensive (I've seen them as low as $85/pair on line--Google "Advent wireless speakers"), you may want to consider buying a new set just for the transmitter.

Good luck. And thanks for choosing!

Kindest regards,
