Audio Systems: 5 disc changer home stereo salvaged, rca rs, john dear

Hi Kevin,
 I recently salvaged an RCA RS-2506 audio system from being trashed by my neighbor. The 5 disk changer has trouble reading disks. This stereo was left out for a storm overnight so I don't know if this would be the cause or if there was a previous problem to cause it to be in the trash. I replaced a bad "belt" so now it will open and close but now this prob arose. Any suggestions? Thanks.  John

Dear John,

My guess is that it was trashed because it would no longer read discs. If you've replaced the belt, that means that the problem's with the programming, and that's an expensive item to fix. You might want to try a GE or RCA repair facility, but don't spend until you know if it would be cheaper or at least equivalent to buy a new system.

BTW, do either the casette decks or radio work? If they don't, you have a major problem, and my suggestion is to trash it.

Also, the unit seems to be well regarded by the consumer posts on line. So, it might be worth spending a bit of cash on. Your call.

Good luck. And thanks for choosing!

Kindest regards,
