Audio Systems: how do ohms work?, math formulas, straight forward question

hello Jerry.

i have a pretty straight forward question for you.  if you don't mind, could you give me the complete idiots version of how ohms work and how i should wire an amp accordingly?  in other words,  i've tried understanding these concepts and have talked to many people, however i still am unsure as to how ohms work exactly.  i've just tried seaching once again, and i can find all the technical straight answer crap, but problem is, is that I have no idea what-so-ever how to apply all these math formulas and such to my own audio setup.  i've heard about 2, 4, 8, etc. ohm loads and that this amp can only handle 'such-and-such' ohm load, and that those subs/speakers are wired for a 'such-and-such' ohm load.  but i have no clue what the difference from one to the other is.  i would love to properly wire my own system (i've tried, and have done it, just unsure when it comes to this area).

so if you don't mind, could you break down (in an idiots version) what ohms are and how i go about properly wireing a system with this all in mind.  thank you very much.

Hello again,

If you have not been able to pick up what you need to know by talking to all of the people you have spoken with ect.. the best resolve is to get a pro to help you (in person).

I would likely leave you in the same rut you are in now.  These basics of Ohms law are required for proper wiring of safe audio systems and if you cannot inject your values into the formulas to get your information (and turn that information into a wiring diagram you can see/use), you are in need of a pro.

For remote assistance:
Tell me the exact make AND model numbers of what you have, and how many of each..(speakers and amplifiers) I will see what I can do from this end as to how to wire up the speaker leads. :P

Jerry Mael