Audio Systems: i have a 35inch GE television..., sound and vision magazine, fixit shop

i have a 35inch GE  television t.v.  that will not turn on.  I have only had the set two years.  and already a year ago i had to have the hot fixed.  i am wondering #1  what is it this time.  and #2 is it worth fixing

Dear Kimberly,

Well, you haven't given me much to go on. A set that won't power up could have any number of issues.

But let me give you a general rule of "repair or exhange". First, you need to take the set into a reliable fixit shop. Have them troubleshoot it only to give you an estimate of what's wrong and what it will cost to fix it. The estimate should cost you something, but no more than 1/2 hour's labor--which will depend on the going rate in your area. Once you have the repair cost in hand, it's up to you to decide whether or not that cost (from which the cost of the estimate should be deducted, a normal practice) is worth it or for that cost you can buy a new, more reliable TV.

For the record, GE TVs have a lousy service record--very poor assembly quality control. I've had excellent experiences with Mitsubishi/MGA. I would check out the TV ratings with both "Sound and Vision" magazine at their website: and "Consumer Reports" magazine:

Good luck. And thanks for choosing!

Kindest regards,
