Audio Systems: radio installment, delco radio, ford wiring

I want to replace my 89 Ford truck radio with my old radio from my 87 VW. The car radio is a Design & truck is a Delco. I need to know which wire on the Design is the hot wire & which is the ground wire.I can find the speaker wires. the model no. is 161 036 180 DX & the serial no. is 29287. When I got rid of the car I cut the wires from the plug-in connector. I have put radios in cars in the past,but it has been a long time. My truck has the wiring labels,the car radio doesn't.

If I understand you right, you would like to install the VW radio into your Ford truck! You have mentioned three radio systems here, Ford wiring, delco radio and VW radio. Please give the complete make and model numbers of the radios that you would like the wiring info for.