Audio Systems: In-Dash 4 disk CD changer, 2000 chrysler 300m, chrysler 300m

Hi Cody,

I have a 2000 Chrysler 300M with a factory installed Infinity Premium stero system with an in-dash 4 cd changer. Up until now have never had any type of problem. My problem is this, I currently have 4 cd's in the changer, but they are not being read by the cd plater itself,all I get is error. When I try to remove any one of the four cd's, they do net eject. I have tried what seem like everything. Any help would be great.

 you need to give crysler's customer service line a call .. its toll free and you can them the code the unit gives you and either they can give you a solution .. ot at the least they can tell you what the code means so you can go from there ... hppe this helps you out if you need anything else let me know
