Audio Systems: manuals, car audio installations, 1995 chevy 1500

where can i find illustrated manuals on car audio installations. mainly concerning the addition of a hohmann earthquake pa-2075 and any necessary cross-faders... etc.. I've installed stereos before ( when I was younger) but things seem to be a little more elaborate these days. Any help obtaining tutorials etc. would be appreciated.also any suggestions on rhe best setup for extended pickups (1995 chevy 1500 ) Thanks


 I always use a haynes repair manual for my installs to help with the factory wiring and panels .. i have been meaning myself to get some books on custom installs i looked around they have a good selection and good prices .. as far as titles , authors ect.. i havent got to look so i cant say any of that besides the haynes manual.. hope this helps you out sorry i cant do more
