Audi Repair: 2001 audi s4, cv joints, 2001 audi s4

car has 90k miles on it. at 85k had timing belt, water pump, heater core,
front brakes replaced.
what other items will need replacing?
college  son has car and want to do "offense" work before i get a call that
something is wrong..
car is in great shape . i am 2nd audult owner.
thank you!

unfortunately cars do not have a predictable breakdown characteristic; you have covered the expensive and common issues for a car with that mileage.  I would check the CV joints on the driveshafts, and the rubber bellows around them.  Other than that, if tires and radiator are all OK, plus the work you have done, he is better prepared with a car at college then I ever was...  Good luck,  Jan