Audi Repair: 1993 90(s) v-6, crankshaft balancer, mechanic friend

Hello Jan, thanks for taking the time, I have a problem, 1993 90s, had a friend help to replace thermostat, water pump and timing belt, he got it wrong and now I need to know the procedure to reinstall the timing belt from scratch, i know of some of the marks, and rotating the big bolt till the engine is top notch center? but I could use some visual help, for my new mechanic friend, its almost impossible to find the manual and my model is a 6cylinder and its not listed in the chilton (crap) manuals. Best Wishes. James.

Normally the crankshaft balancer has a notch cut in it, and there should be a triangular mark on the cover behind there.  However this is too coarse typically, and I normally use a long rod attached to a dial gauge in the #1 plug hole to really establish TDC.  When you put the belt on, take into account the direction of the tensioner, and whihc way things will move when tightened; you do not want to get this wrong...  The procedure may be covered on one of the forums such as or if you're unsure, maybe even with pictures.  In this procedure, better be safe than sorry!!!