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Where is the fuel pump located and how do you change it?


It's been a long time since I worked on one of these, but I believe this vehicle is fuel injected. With that being the case, you have an electric fuel pump. Electric fuel pumps are mounted in the fuel tank.

This requires that you remove fuel if over a couple gallons by siphoning or pumping it out manually. A gallon of gas is about 7 pounds.

The fuel tank hold down straps are removed and tank is lowered to disconnect the fuel lines and wiring. The tank is the dropped.
Now that the tank is dropped, a retainer that holds the tank sending unit/fuel pump. The steel resting ring is turned counter clock wise. The sending unit now can be pulled out.
When you change the fuel pump, make sure you get a new sock. The sock is a very fine screen that fits on the pick up tube. Reverse procedure to install.
