Cadillac Repair: 96 Sedan Deville transmission problems, Auto theft SIU claims investigation EUO expert, theft claim denial consultant

QUESTION: I have a 96 Sedan Deville it was running just fine then the transmission shift into neutral or stop pulling I can cut the car off turn it back on and it will pull just fine with no problem then it will stop pulling again I noticed that I have a motor mount loose the engine is rocking back and forth with that cause my transmission to stop pulling

ANSWER: Hello,

I don't know about the transmission going into neutral, but from your description appears to lose drive. Have you checked the fluid? Fluid should be bright red. If brown or smells burned on the dipstick, you have internal transmission problems. I would recommend in that case having the filter replaced and flushing the transmission and see if the problem goes away.
You did not mention if you tried too put the transmission in a lower gear to see if the vehicle would move.
You did not mention if at the time of your problem the speedometer continued to work, and if not, possibly a bad speed sensor.
You did not mention if you had the diagnostic codes checked revealing a potential computer related problem.
You could have a bad torque converter where overdrive is disengaging.
Check the tans fluid first and get back to me.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes it would lose the drive gears while I'm driving this pedometer will still work I would just lose my drive gears I can cut the car off turn it right back on and it will pull just fine then it would stop pulling completely the spedometer still works no calls I'll be in for all fluid is fine fresh change on it its just when you drive it for a minute you can make it like about two or three blocks and lose all drive gears reverse gear everything turn the car right off turn it right back on it'll pull in drive and reverse just fine go about 300 feet sometimes and it is stop pulling in dry sometimes it go a little father sometimes is less


I am very good at repairing vehicles over the Internet and have been doing it for 10 years. However, there are times this is not possible without being t the vehicle with a factory service manual in hand for the diagnostic flow charts.
I can tell you it is not a speed sensor and if the fluid is bright red, the clutches are not burned up in the trans and the radiator cooler tank did not fail (common).
Here is what I can't tell you. I cannot tell you if there is a mechanical malfunction in the computer or if it is a computer issue.
If you anticipate holding onto the car, go to Ebay, or Craigs and see if you can purchase a factory service manual for this and future repairs. It is possible your local library could have one. W are working in the dark right now and you don't want to be changing expensive parts on a guess as many do. I can tell you that your problem is not common that I am aware of.

Good luck and let me know what you find. In most cases, the service manual diagnostic charts will take you right to where to look.

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