Cadillac Repair: Cadillac VAT system, auto theft and the insurance industry, Auto theft SIU investigation EUO Denial expert

Hi Rob,

You and I worked on my 92' Cadillac security issue.  I had already bypassed the key resistance chip and still had issues.  I saw your answer to the lady about her problem.  I changed my starting habits on my Cadillac.  Now, when I want to start it I insert the key and turn it to on.  Dash lights go on as well as the security light.  I wait 2 - 3 seconds and the security light goes off.  I then start the car.  I have been doing this for a couple of months and it appears to work.  I also like your answer about locking the driver door, close door and open with the key.  I will try that if the problem occurs.


Hi Bob,

The key being used for the door lock was designed to reset an optional factory alarm system and not the independent VATS.

For the truth as to auto theft and the Con the carrier uses to deny your claim, check out our 800 pound gorilla link. The nice thing about the web compared to the court room is no insurance defense attorney can turn any of this into a referendum on me as they try to do by besmirching my good name, knowingly misrepresenting my training, background and experience to judges and so on and so forth. I am a force that there is only one way to stop and that has been suggested as well.
There is a caveat here: They will as they always do, try to use my writings against me. I am used to it after 16 years.

I am done with all of these attacks after 10 years of them and I will start installing videos of numerous ways certain vehicles can be stolen, as well as demonstrating the utter bull crap the defense attorneys want the juries to believe about lock forensics and that a key of the proper type with the proper transponder was last used to drive the vehicle. After all, the vehicle was equipped with a so called "anti theft system." Another lie we are all told to believe that so-equipped, the vehicle is unstealable. There is no such thing, but the insurance defense counsel will do everything to make a jury feel this is true.

Ford calls their system PATS (Passive Anti Theft System). The system was never designed to [prevent the theft of the vehicle, yet it infers that the vehicle can't be stolen! A bald face lie is what we would call that in Texas! Others might call it consumer fraud!

Imports use "immobilizers." What does this system immobilize? The vehicle from moving? No!

Our site is going to demonstrate the reality v fiction. I was recently told at deposition from an opposing insurance attorney, I do all this for shock value. No, I do it to expose the truth and that is not what is being done with ignition forensics in most cases. The misrepresentation by the insurance forensic locksmiths and the defense attorneys do quite well at confusing juries on bad faith claims and prosecutors are real good at using this forensic hocus pocus to charge a prosecute insureds when there is no proof of fraud, but evidence that the vehicle could have been in fact stolen. In many cases, the catalyst to the investigation was the forensic locksmith rendering an opinion on a reported stolen vehicle was operated with a key of the proper type, even though he has no electronic evidence to define exactly what key. A thief's or the insureds? No one knows and assumed reasoning seems to take the place of fact.

I am going to change that from now on. Like me or hate me. Doesn't really matter. If it can't be proven, I will support my claims clients unless I have reason to believe otherwise!