Cadillac Repair: 95 cadillac concors blinking fuel E and chimes when lights on, california plaintiffs forensic locksmith

I had a new a/c compressor installed. When I picked up car to drive home noticed "E" blinking on dash display and lo fuel warning on. I put 12 gallons of fuel in but still blinking. also when headlights turned on loud chime continally chimes. disconnected battery at pos terminal for an hour to try to reset computer but no difference. help.. also mechanic accidently locked keys in car while running. he pryed open passenger door to unlock. since then red security light goes on for a few seconds when I start car but then goes away. don't know if this is related to fuel gauge/chime problem



I would tell you it sounds like your mechanic isn't good for much and you need to find a large service center to service your car. Yes, the economy sucks and people try to find the cheapest repair. The problem with the cheap repair comes with expensive problems to fix.

Just so you are aware, you cannot reset computer problems by disconnecting the battery.

Now, from what you are telling me, you did not have problems before getting the compressor installed and I am just guessing, but I bet your mechanic has pinched and grounded a harness controlling the fuel and chime circuit. What a hack!

Unfortunately, in many states there is the right to cure. This means you need to let this hack repair the problem first.

As for the security light, I have no idea as to what he did, but again on a guess, he used a slim jim first sliding a thin steel bar between the window and the door molding to gain access to the inner door lock mechanisms, I bet he unsuccessfully used this tool before prying your door and ripped the security wire off the driver's door lock.

Boy, I really would not trust this guy to do anything. He might even cost you more damage.

If it was my car, I would bite the bullet and take car to a reputable service center and plead for mercy. I would honestly tell them that I would continue to bring the car there for future service.

You can try sending the repair bill to the goof, but I doubt if you will get a dime.

This problem is consistent with alley mechanics that claim to save the customer money, only to cost the customer more.

I really would not let this goof touch anything. I am not going to believe that you went to a reputable service center.

I am surprised the air works!

I think you will find my guesses accurate.
